Wednesday, April 4, 2012

April Spotlight Stylist: Lisa Dishman

This month's spotlight stylist is actually an esthetician really it's spotlight esthetician  . I like to change things up every once in a while.

When I first visited On Stage I, our flagship location in Beaumont, I was able to tour the facilities and meet some of the staff there. When we got to the spa, the manager said, "Cassidy, you've got to meet Lisa." I had no idea who Lisa was at the time, but I quickly came to understand that her name was one to remember.

Lisa has been at On Stage for almost as long as it has been open and been an esthetician for twice as long. That's what you call a lifetime of knowledge. And knowledge is what she is full of. I learned a lot about skin (and envied hers) during our brief conversation. Believe me, if you've got a question, Lisa can answer it.

Lisa Dishman

How long have you been in the industry? At On Stage?
I've been an esthetician for 30 years, but only at On Stage for 16.

What position are you in?
Senior Esthetician

Tell me about your personal life?
I've been married for 34 years. I've got two children Erin and Ford, and one son-in-law, Al. I also have two grandchildren, Stella and Adam, and four dogs and two cats.

What is your favorite part about your job?
Solving problems for my clients

Have you won any awards?
The State Sunrise Award for Look Good...Feel Better through the American Cancer Society

Taken any special classes?
I'm always looking or classes to improve my skills and how to help my clients

Who inspires you?
My co-workers at On Stage. They keep me moving forward.

What is your favorite makeup trend? And least favorite?
My favorite is red lips and soft eyes, and my least is too much makeup all over your face.

If we did only one thing for our skin, would should it be?
SPF is very important for keeping the skin young.

Do you have a message you'd like to tell your clients?
Enjoy what you have: wonderful eyes,wonderful lips, great skin or great brows

Live in the Beaumont area and want to make an appointment with Lisa? Call (409)866-0560.

1 comment:

Thank you!