Thursday, December 15, 2011

Men's Products

It's easy to get caught up in thinking about products just for women, but the truth is a lot of products out there can really be used for both men and women. Yes, it's also true that there are lines out there made specifically for men--like Paul Mitchell's new Mitch line--but hey, what's a world where things are only black and white and never gray?

"Oh, that I were a glove upon that hand/ That I might touch that" 

So men out there. Here are a couple of things to know about the products that you're putting in your hair, or about the ones that you should be.

First and foremost, shampoo and conditioner. It seems pretty simple, but I've know some guys with super short hair that use the same soap on their hair that they do on their body. I can tell you that their scalp wasn't very happy at them. Happy hair=happy scalp, which in turn means no flakes on your shirt.

Mitch Double Hitter: the man's one stop shop

Then it can get a bit complicated with creams, pomades, hairsprays, waxes, muds, fibers, and the like. Though they may vary in name they are all styling products.

Choose your weapon wisely. 

Each different styling product can offer you a variety of looks from messy, just-rolled-out-of-bed-look to a sleek finish. Talk with your stylist to decide which one will work best on your hair.

So men, the lesson of the day is that it's okay to use products. In fact, it's encouraged. Just look at Mr. Dempsey up there.

And women, don't shy away from men's products just because they are men's products. Depending on what type of cut and hair you have, they could work just as good.

Class dismissed.

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  1. Hi my friends how are you hope you fine me also share with you some beauty tips hope you like. Choosing a hair product for this list – whether it was a shampoo, conditioner or styling product – was amazingly difficult. Not just because there are so many great products out there (UK based brand Hairbond narrowly missed out on this spot) but because of different individual hair needs and styles. That’s why I chose American Crew Fiber. It’s the styling product that’s so popular “one is sold every 30 seconds”. It’s also the styling product that I’ve used on my mid length curly hair to great effect and it’s the styling product that a lot of guys I know with short, straight styles use on their hair with fantastic results. Sometimes when something is so popular it’s because of a passing trend or lack of competition, but in the case of American Crew Fiber it’s because it’s so versatile, and so damn good. Thanks.
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Thank you!